If you're really serious about getting the highest level rewards and beating your fellow players in Mafia Wars, you'll need a very good eye for detail and a lot of careful planning. Even though the game seems easy to get into, there is a great level of intricacy in it. This makes planning pretty difficult, so you need to keep a few things in mind when learning how to build your mafia in Mafia Wars.
The first key: Build your family size as fast as possible. From level 1, you need to be recruiting intensively. Do not wait until you're level 100; then you'll end up spending endless hours trying to make things work. Network with friends, blog, use the resources of facebook itself, but do everything you can to carefully build your family size ASAP.
Second key: Godfather points. You need these, but be careful how you obtain them. Sometimes people will spend cash or give away personal data to get Godfather points - but you don't need to do that. All you need to do is spend a couple minutes every day filling out lottery numbers and using fake info for offers to get Godfather points you need.
Third key: Completing jobs. Doing all the jobs as fast as you can will get you the most possible rewards. Do however keep in mind that you need to scale up your jobs as you continue leveling, and do a wide range of them so you can get as many possible rewards as you can. This way, later on, you'll have all jobs available to you and can do them as you need resources.
Fourth key: Buying property. Starting with the easiest to obtain, buy properties. As properties break down, you need to spend cash to maintain them. Don't waste time with properties that won't give you a good return on investment.
Fifth key: Fighting. Don't do it if you can avoid it. Mafia Wars fights are pretty pointless when it comes down to it, and they will waste your resources. Instead just focus on building your levels, accruing more points and building your family, and you'll be more successful in the long run.
These are some of the most crucial points of how to build your Mafia in Mafia Wars as fast as possible. Remember, networking is the key in this very social game, and facebook gives you all the keys you need to do it. Build your family right from the beginning and you will profit more in the long term.
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