Saturday, March 13, 2010

Progress Check-in: Day 2, level 15 in Mafia Wars

I decided to create a new facebook account with the sole purpose of seeing how fast I could level up in Mafia Wars using the Mafia Wars Blueprint.  Yes I realize it is very easy to just do some google searches for whatever you are looking for and how to get it, like Mafia Wars concealable cameras and illegal transaction records, money, vehicles, weapons, etc.  But I wanted a reputable source I could consult for everything, and the Mafia Wars Blueprint offered that.  It also came with a 60 day moneyback guarantee, so I figured what the heck.  If it's good I'll keep it; if it's not so good, I can just send it back.

Day 2 of playing Mafia Wars and following the strategies outlined in this guide and I am already almost level 16 with over $3 million.  I already have a small but well-equipped mafia and have received gifts of Mafia Wars computer set-ups and other rare loot items.  I have already almost completed several collections and finished the Heart Flush collection after receiving the rare Mafia Wars ten of hearts card.

If there is one thing I have learned from this guide, it is the importance of energy as a resource.  Forget fighting to earn money.  Sure you can fight to get bounties on other players but if you really want to profit you need to focus all your points on energy.  Health is a pretty useless stat, especially following this guide, because you get all the money you need to quickly replenish your health in the hospital.

I will keep updating this blog with posts of my Mafia Wars progress.

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